Born in Tychy, Poland.
Graduate (2017) of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow; of the Third Interdisciplinary Atelier of prof. Lilla Kulka. She received a scholarship for being the best student from the Chancellor of Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków in academic years 2014-2017.

Co-creator of a online quarterly – MULTImedia ( since 2016. In 2017 she took part in costume and scenography preparation for a play entitled: “Landszaft. Lekcja anatomii” (eng. Landscha - The Anatomy Lesson), dir. Katarzyna Kalwat. The performance was organised for the “Genius Loci Festival”, Cracow. In the same year, she also took an internship at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, MOCAK.

She practices painting, drawing, textile art, as well as organising and curating exhibitions; creates artistic objects and installations. She participated in 50 collective shows and exhibitions on a national and an international scale.

Exibitions (selected):

2018  Individual exhibition: paintings and objects, OFF FRAME Contemporary Art Gallery, Kraków

2018  Krystyna’s World, Galeria Promocyjna i GaleriaMalarstwa ASP, Kraków

2017  Small Form, individual exhibition, Kawiarnia Literacka, Kraków

2017  (per)versions, Tytano, Kraków

2017 Geometry, Dom Chodowieckiego i Grassa, Gdańsk

2017  The Drama of Freedom, Provoz Hlubina Ostrawa, Czech Republic

2017  Relieving pain, Galeria Promocyjna ASP i Teatr Nowy, Kraków

2016 PLACES&SPACES,  „Kunstbunker Köln”, Germany

2016 Topography of Freedom and Silesian Kafka, Galeria Szyb Wilson, Katowice

2016  It’s me. It’s us, Małopolski Ogród Sztuki, Kraków

2014 kwARTet, Centrum Kultury im. Kamila Cypriana Norwida, Kraków

2013  Asia’s Faces, Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne, Warszawa


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